How To Get Better At Golf Without Lessons- 10 Exclusive Tips

Want to know the secrets to a great golf without lessons and to be good at Golf?

Who doesn’t?

But to be knowledgeable about the golf instructions and improve your golf game, you need to join yourself at golf classes.

Perhaps, you’re too busy to attend the classes. Or sometimes it may be expensive for you to attend the golf classes?

Either cases, there are ways to improve your game without lessons.

Sounds great! Isn’t it?

This guideline on how to get better at Golf without lessons will help you a lot to play Golf by yourself.

Below, you’ll find 10 tips to improve golf game and play like the pros in no time, no matter you’re busy or don’t want to invest in overpriced gadgets or videos.

Read and follow.

10 Tips on How to Get Better At Golf without Lessons

Tips 1: Understand the process

You can’t be good at Golf right away. To develop the golf skills you need to take time. Never think that you can put together all phases of the Golf at one time.  After some practice you may be able to putt well, other days you can hit your irons well. So, understand the process of practicing and take your time.

Tips 2: Go to Driving range to practice

The driving range should be the best choice for practicing and getting good at Golf. In fact, the golf course isn’t the place to practice. If you practice at driving range, you don’t need to be frustrated after a bad shot. Bad shot on the range will allow you to find out and work on what went wrong. If practicing in the driving range every day seems to be expensive to you, you may consider investing in golf net that you can set up in your backyard.

Tips 3:  Hit different Bucket of Balls

To get better shots and improve golf game you need to follow a deliberate method. Consider using three different buckets of balls to practice different swings.

  • Use your driver for the first bucket.
  • With the balls of the second bucket, aim for the targets that are less than 100 yards.
  • For the balls of the final bucket, hit iron and woods followed by a wedge.

Tips 4: Spend more time on shots from 100- yards in

Most of your shots in Golf are closer to the green. In other words, these are from 100-yards and in. To lower your golf scores, it’s the first area you should spend more time on practicing shots. Practice on chipping, pitching, wedge shots, bunkers and putting. Don’t forget to practice fairway woods, driving, and longer irons.

10 tips on how to get better at Golf without lessons

Tips 5: Address your faults

Be your own sharp Critic. Find out to address your faults. Once you know your mistakes, it’ll be easy to understand how to eliminate them. So, critique your own game and find your fault while practicing. Then find a fix for the mistake and practice the fix until the fault is gone. It’s very useful to improve your game and be a better golf player.

Learn how to golf swing, analyze the golf fundamentals in your swing and ensure you maintain your posture. Don’t forget to follow the correct golf swing plane and create a sufficient amount of lag.

To evaluate your game during each swing-

  • Ask a trusted fellow golfer  If he identifies what you’re doing right or wrong in your golf swing or you have any trouble with certain shots, take your time and work on them.
  • Use a good mirror- By using a mirror during practice; you can identify the mistakes you make. It’s beneficial to bring a mirror to the driving range. Practice many changes in front of the mirror will help you to improve your muscle memory. This will help you in enhancing golf score without any professional golf lessons.
  • Record your golf swing at the backyard or driving Having a video record is a proven way to notice any mistake in your swinging and play golf better without lessons. Record and watch the video of your swing. It’ll help you to highlight and analyze the weaknesses and strengths of your performances.

Tips 6: Practice one-armed consistent golf swings

Practicing one-armed swings is another effective step of understanding how to play Golf better without attending lessons. If you’re right-handed, your left body side will help you to control most of the golf swing. So, let your left side to pull the golf club in the downswing. Don’t allow your right side (arm or shoulder) to push against the golf club. It’ll help you to give more support, and produce effortless speed.

Try to practice one-armed consistent golf swings at home for a week; you’ll be amazed to see your performance when you return to a full swing.

Lack of consistency golf swing is the reason of your poor golf. So, it’s important to create consistency in your golf swing.

Visit here and you will be able to seek guidance on How To Swing A Golf Club.

Tips 7: Remain balanced in your Golf set up

A fault at your Golf set up, or pre-swing may create poor golf shots. If your Golf set up isn’t perfect, and you fail to maintain proper balance, this may cause a chain reaction of problems in your swing. However, fixing this problem is very simple and it’s the best way to get better at Golf. To perform a more consistent golf swing, spend more time on ensuring the perfect set up.

Tips 8: Avoid swing changes during a round of Golf

Another way to get good at Golf without lesson is to avoid making swing changes during your round of the Golf.  Many novice golfers make a lot of mistakes in the golf swing. Swing changes during the game or between shots may cause the worst in golfing. Never try to control your body movement during a swing. You need to focus on a precise target and try to hit it. Every golfer has his (her) best swing style. Once you decide on your golf swing, find ways of making it be better and stick to it through the game.

Tips 9: Practice in the right way

It’s important to practice Golf in the right way if you want to improve your golf game without lesson. For this, there are two recommended methods- Range wedges and hitting wedges.

You need to hit the wedges at least 10 shots. Continue this until you hit a perfect one or two. Then, you may move to the next club. If you want to make your Golf practice session more effective make it random and perform it like a real golf hole. Aim to hit multiple shots for every club.

Tips 10: Practice more, more and more

  • Hit more balls.
  • Practice your putting more.
  • Practice your chipping more.

Care more.

There is no alternative of deliberate practice to get good at Golf without lessons.

Golf is the game where the more you practice, the better you get.

In fact, practicing is the foundation of the golf improvement plan, and it’s quite impossible to play better Golf without practice.  A lot of continued practice is essential to gain relevant skills and experience and improve certain aspects of your golf game.

One more important thing!

Practice without direction or purpose won’t help you actually get better or improve at Golf.

Summing Up

We’re almost at the end of our article on how to get better at Golf without lessons.

Follow the tips discussed above and you’ll definitely be able to make a significant improvement in your golf game if apply correctly and practice regularly.


Nothing in golf games comes easy without the application of fundamentals and right dedication.

Good luck with improving your game.

More Golf Resources:

If you find any of these tips that work for you, please share it.

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